Jeep ambulance

By | April 10, 2016

Willys -Ford GPW Jeep ambulance

Jeep Ambulance

Jeep Ambulance,s were used by the British, Canadian and American forces in all of the major conflicts around the world. In the second world war a need arose for a small ambulance that was able to get close to the front line and evacuate wounded soldiers. At the time trucks were used as ambulances, but because of their size they were not ideal. At some point a soldier came up with idea of putting stretchers on Jeep, so it could be used as an ambulance. Later a high ranking American officer claimed he came up with idea, but it was some unnamed private or Jeep driver. The Jeep proved to be very successful as a ambulance, although not a very comfortable ride. It was able to collect casualties were no other vehicle could reach, then take the wounded back to the nearest casualty clearing station. There are so many variations of the Jeep ambulance, a lot were made up in the field.

Jeep Ambulance

Jeep Ambulance

Jeep Ambulance