Flying Jeep

By | April 13, 2016

A Flying Jeep

The Rotabuggy flying Jeep was designed by Raoul Hafner of the Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment, England. The flying Jeep was in fact an autogiro. the main rota was not powered so it needed to be towed for the rota to spin and give lift.

Flying Jeep

The prototype was built in 1942 by R. Malcolm Ltd, the Jeep was fitted with a pylon to carry the nearly 41 foot diameter rota. The Jeep windscreen was replaced with a streamlined framework covered with perspex, the cabin and tail were made from plywood. It was a very British invention.

Flying Jeep

On the 27th of November 1943 the Rotabuggy got airborne for the first time being towed by a Bentley, it managed nearly 40 mph. Further test flights were conducted with the Bentley and also being towed by a Whitley bomber. It was found that at over 50 mph vibration was a problem. There were a few mishaps but the Rotabuggy did reach a flying speed of 70 mph in February 1944.

Flying Jeep

After nearly 60 test flights, the last in September 1944 the project was cancelled. Gliders were now carrying Jeeps, so there was no need for a flying Jeep.

Flying Jeep